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Purpose and Need

The purpose of this project, along with the two previously completed projects, is to improve safety and reduce congestion within the Corley Mill Road and US 378 corridor area.

Existing Conditions and Proposed Improvements

Corley Mill Road Facing Away from US 378 (January 2024)

Corley Mill Rd

Ginny Lane

US 378

  • The intersection of Corley Mill Road/Ginny Lane is over capacity due to heavy traffic volume demands on all four intersection approaches, resulting in limited “green time” for each approach.

  • Relocating Corley Mill Road from the Ginny Lane intersection will simplify traffic operations by reducing the number of movements at each intersection, increasing the available “green time” for each movement.

  • Although new intersections are introduced, all roadways will benefit from having less movements at the intersections and will be provided an adequate amount of "green time" to clear the intersection each cycle.

  • This increased "green time" and lane capacity throughout the corridor will improve roadway capacity to meet future traffic demands and reduce overall wait time. 

Ginny Lane Facing City of West Columbia (January 2024)

Corley Mill Rd

Riverchase Way

  •  The Sunset Split project will relocate Riverchase Way slightly north to a new signalized intersection with Corley Mill Road. 

  • This new signalized intersection will allow for easier access in and out of Riverchase Way by separating Riverchase Way from US 378 and eliminating the need to cross multiple lanes of traffic at an unsignalized intersection. 

Riverchase Way

Corley Mill Rd

Corley Mill Rd

Riverchase Way Facing Away from US 378 (January 2024)

US 378 Facing Town of Lexington (January 2024)

US 378

  • Widening US 378 would create excessive impacts to existing businesses' parking lots, drive-thrus, and buildings. 

  •  The Sunset Split project will provide additional travel lanes in both directions of US 378, which will reduce signal wait times by allowing more vehicles to travel through the intersection.

  • The Sunset Split project would allow for the existing roadway to be utilized for additional lanes towards West Columbia, while the proposed new location roadway would carry traffic to the Town of Lexington.

  • The Sunset Split project would increase roadway capacity while minimizing impacts to businesses.

Northside Boulevard Facing Town of Lexington (January 2024)

US 378

US 378

US 378

  • The increased lane capacity on US 378 would allow for more "green time" to be given to Northside Boulevard's movements.

  • The additional "green time" allotted to Northside Boulevard movements would allow for more vehicles to enter Northside Boulevard from US 378, significantly reducing wait times and queue lengths.

Northside Blvd

US 378


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